Update: the track will be held on November 7.
With Ezio Bartocci (TU Wien, Austria), we will be chairing the track RV-TheToP: Runtime Verification from the Theory To the industry Practice.
Runtime verification. Runtime Verification (RV) has gained much focus, from both the research community and practitioners. Roughly speaking, RV combines a set of theories, techniques and tools aiming towards efficient analysis of systems’ executions and guaranteeing their correctness using monitoring techniques. Major challenges in RV include characterizing and formally expressing requirements that can be monitored, proposing intuitive and concise specification formalisms, and monitoring specifications efficiently (time and memory-wise).
With the major strides made in recent years, much effort is still needed to make RV an attractive and viable methodology for industrial use. In addition, further studies are needed to apply RV to wider application domains such as security, bio-health, power micro-grids and internet of things.
A Springer LNCS tutorial volume on advanced research topics is about to be released by the organizers of the track. The book shall contain a selection of tutorials on advanced topics from leading researchers in the domain of runtime verification.
Description of the track. The purpose of the RV-TOP track at ISoLA’18 is to bring together experts on runtime verification and industry practitioners domains to i) have a dissemination of advanced research topics, ii) have a dissemination of current industrial challenges, and iii) get RV more attractive to industry and usable in additional application domains. As such, the track will contain three sorts of presentation:
– presentation of advanced tutorials from the authors involved in the Springer LNCS tutorial volume;
– presentation of current challenges in the industry from industry practitioners;
– presentation of successful applications of RV to past industrial problems.