SAC-SVT 2017: list of accepted papers

The following papers were accepted by the SAC-SVT 2017 Programme Committee. Thanks to all PC members and reviewers.

  • Mohamed Amine Aouadhi, Benoît Delahaye and Arnaud Lanoix.
    Moving from Event-B to Probabilistic Event-B
  • Huu-Vu Nguyen and Tayssir Touili.
    CARET Model Checking For Pushdown Systems
  • Rudolf Ramler, Thomas Wetzlmaier and Claus Klammer.
    An Empirical Study on the Application of Mutation Testing for a Safety-Critical Industrial Software System 
  • Thibaud Antignac, Mukelabai Mukelabai and Gerardo Schneider.
    Specification, Design and Verification of an Accountability-Aware Surveillance Protocol
  • Davide Basile, Felicita Di Giandomenico and Stefania Gnesi.
    Statistical Model Checking of an Energy-Saving Cyber-Physical System in the Railway Domain
  • Jeongho Kim and Eunseok Lee.
    History-based Test Case Prioritization for Failure Information
  • Yunus Kiliç and Hasan Sözer.
    Generating Runtime Verification Specifications based on Static Code Analysis Alerts
  • Pedro Delgado-Pérez, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo, Sergio Segura, Antonio García-Domínguez and Juan José Domínguez-Jiménez.
    GiGAn: Evolutionary Mutation Testing for C++ Object-Oriented Systems
  • András Márki and Birgitta Lindström.
    Mutation Tools for Java
