
From high-level modeling toward efficient and trustworthy circuits

The paper entitled “From high-level modeling toward efficient and trustworthy circuits” has been accepted for publication in Software Tools for Technology Transfer, a Springer journal. Below is an abstract of the paper: Behavior–interaction–priority (BIP) is a layered embedded system design and verification framework that provides separation of functionality, synchronization, and priority concerns to simplify system design […]

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THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized Monitoring Algorithms

The paper entitled THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized Monitoring Algorithms has been accepted as a tool-demonstration paper to ISSTA 2017, the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ISSTA 2017 will be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA, on July 10–14, 2017. Below is an abstract of the paper: THEMIS is a tool to facilitate […]

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ISSTA & SPIN 2017 – Call for Participation

***************************************************************************  ISSTA & SPIN 2017    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION  26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis  24th International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software  July 10-14, 2017, Santa Barbara, California, USA  *************************************************************************** ISSTA is the leading research symposium on software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and […]

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Monitoring Decentralized Specifications

The paper entitled Monitoring Decentralized Specifications has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of ISSTA 2017, the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, which will be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA, on July 10–14, 2017. The abstract of the paper is below: We define two complementary approaches to monitor decentralized […]

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Runtime Enforcement Using Büchi Games

The paper entitled Runtime Enforcement Using Büchi Games has been accepted for publication in SPIN 2017, the 24th International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software. Below is an abstract of the paper. We leverage Büchi games for the runtime enforcement of regular properties with uncontrollable events. Runtime enforcement consists in modifying the execution of a running […]

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Optimal Enforcement of (Timed) Properties with Uncontrollable Events

The paper entitled Optimal Enforcement of (Timed) Properties with Uncontrollable Events has been accepted for publication in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, a Cambridge University Press journal. Below is the abstract of the paper: This paper deals with runtime enforcement of untimed and timed properties with uncontrollable events. Runtime enforcement consists in defining and using mechanisms […]

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COST Action IC 1402 ARVI: meeting in Prague

We will have a two-day meeting related to the COST Action Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (ARVI). The purposes of the meeting include: A meeting of the Management Committee (MC). A workshop on contract monitoring. The program of the meeting can be found here. My roles during the meeting are twofold: I am representing France in the MC. […]

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First International Competition on Runtime Verification Rules, Benchmarks, Tools, and Final Results of CRV 2014

The manuscript entitled First International Competition on Runtime Verification – Rules, Benchmarks, Tools, and Final Results of CRV 2014 has been accepted for publication in Software Tools for Technology Transfer, a Springer journal. Below is an abstract of the paper The First International Competition on Runtime Verification (CRV) was held in September 2014, in Toronto, Canada, as a […]

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