SPIN 2017: Call for Papers

SPIN 2017 24th International Symposium on Model Checking of Software Santa Barbara, CA, USA, July 13-14, 2017 http://conf.researchr.org/home/spin-2017 Collocated with ISSTA The SPIN symposium aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in automated tool-based techniques for the analysis of software as well as models of software, for the purpose of verification and validation. The […]

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A high-level modeling language for the efficient design, implementation, and testing of Android applications

The paper entitled A high-level modeling language for the efficient design, implementation, and testing of Android applications has been accepted for publication in Software Tools for Technology Transfer, a Springer journal, and is now available for download. Developing mobile applications remains difficult, time consuming, and error prone, in spite of the number of existing platforms and […]

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SAC SVT 2017 – Call for Papers

32nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Software Verification and Testing Track April 3 – 7, 2017, Marrakech, Morocco More information: http://http://antares.sip.ucm.es/svt2017/ and http://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2017/ Important dates * September 15, 2016: Papers and SRC submission * November 10, 2016: Paper and SRC notification * November 25, 2016: Camera-ready copies ACM Symposium on Applied Computing The ACM Symposium […]

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Decentralized Enforcement of Artifact Lifecycles

The paper entitled “Decentralized Enforcement of Artifact Lifecycles” has been accepted for publication in EDOC 2016, the twentieth Entreprise Computing Conference. The abstract of the paper is below: Artifact-centric workflows describe possible executions of a business process through constraints expressed from the point of view of the documents exchanged between principals. A sequence of manipulations is […]

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