Special Issue in Formal Methods in System Design

Our special issue on Runtime Verification is released in Formal Methods in System Design, a Springer journal. The special issue is composed of the following papers (selected from the best papers of RV’16) : Introduction to the special issue on runtime verification Yliès Falcone, César Sánchez Pages 1-5 On the complexity of monitoring Orchids signatures, […]

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Facilitating the implementation of distributed systems with heterogeneous interactions

The paper Facilitating the implementation of distributed systems with heterogeneous interactions has been accepted for publications in the proceedings of iFM 2018, the 14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods. iFM 2018 will be held on 5th -7th September 2018, in Maynooth University, Ireland. Below is the abstract of the paper: We introduce HDBIP an extension of the Behavior Interaction […]

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Modularizing Behavioral and Architectural Crosscutting Concerns in Formal Component-Based Systems

The paper entitled Modularizing Behavioral and Architectural Crosscutting Concerns in Formal Component-Based Systems – Application to the Behavior Interaction Priority Framework has been accepted for publication in Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier) The abstract of the paper is below: We define a method to modularize crosscutting concerns in Component-Based Systems (CBSs) expressed using the […]

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VORTEX 2018, July 16-21, 2018

VORTEX 2018, ECOOP and ISSTA, Amsterdam, July 16-21, 2018 (https://conf.researchr.org/track/ecoop-issta-2018/vortex-2018-papers) ================================================================================= Runtime verification (RV) is an approach to software verification concerned with monitoring and analysis of software and hardware under execution. Recently, RV has gained more traction as an effective and promising approach to ensure software reliability, bridging a gap between formal verification and conventional testing; monitoring a system […]

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Successful 2nd School on Runtime Verification

We had a successful 2nd School on Runtime Verification in Praz sur Arly, in the beautiful French Alps, organized by the COST action IC1402 Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (ARVI) and Inria. Slides of the lectures as well as recorded lecture videos shall be uploaded soon. Thanks to all lecturers and participants for the passionating lectures and lively […]

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