The paper TiPEX: a tool chain for Timed Property Enforcement during eXecution has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of RV 2015, the 15th international conference on Runtime Verification. Here is the abstract of the paper below. The TiPEX tool implements the enforcement monitoring algorithms for timed properties proposed in [1]. Enforcement monitors are generated from […]
Category: Research
Post related to my research activities.
STTT Special Issue on Runtime Verification
The Software Tools for Technology Transfer special issue on monitoring “Runtime verification: the application perspective” has been published: The list of papers and volume information is available at: I am co-editing this special issue with Lenore D. Zuck from University of Illinois at Chicago.
@ Srinivas Pinisetty’s Ph.D. defense
Today at 1:30pm, Srinivas Pinisetty will defend his Ph.D. thesis on Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties at Inria Rennes, Salle Métivier. Jury: Martin LEUCKER Didier LIME Sophie PINCHINAT Frédéric HERBRETEAU Yliès FALCONE Thierry JÉRON Hervé MARCHAND Here is the abstract of the thesis: Runtime enforcement is a verification/validation technique aiming at correcting possibly incorrect executions of […]
COST ARVI: Management Committee Meeting in Brussel, Belgium
Today is officially the first day of the COST Action Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (ARVI). A meeting of the Management Committee (MC) will be held in COST offices in Belgium. I am representing France in the MC. Below is a description of the COST action: Runtime verification (RV) is a computing analysis paradigm based on observing a […]
CRV 2015 – The 2nd International Competition on Runtime Verification
Runtime Verification is a verification technique for the analysis of software at execution-time based on extracting information from a running system and checking if the observed behaviors satisfy or violate the properties of interest. During the last decade, many important tools and techniques have been developed and successfully employed. However, there is a pressing need […]
Runtime Enforcement for Component-Based Systems
The paper Runtime Enforcement for Component-Based Systems has been accepted for publication in SAC-SVT 2015, the 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing – Software Verification and Testing track, Salamanca, Spain. Here is the abstract of the paper. We propose a theoretical runtime enforcement framework for component-based systems (CBS) where we delineate a hierarchy of enforceable properties (i.e., […]
Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties Revisited
The paper Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties Revisited has been accepted for publication in Formal Methods in System Design, a Springer journal. Below is the abstract of the paper. Runtime enforcement is a powerful technique to ensure that a running system satisfies some desired properties. Using an enforcement monitor, an (untrustworthy) input execution (in the form […]
@ RV 2014 this week
This week I am attending RV 2014, the 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification, September 22 – September 25, 2014 Toronto, Canada. In addition to enjoying the nice talks from the RV community, I will present the current status of CSRV 2014, the first international Competition on Software for Runtime Verification that I am co-chairing with […]
7th NASA Formal Methods Symposium
NFM 2015 April 27-29, 2015, Pasadena, California, USA Submission deadline: November 10, 2014 The widespread use and increasing complexity of mission- and safety-critical systems require advanced techniques that address their specification, verification, validation, and certification. The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and practitioners from academia, industry, and government, with the goals […]
CPS 2014 starts
The CPS 2014 summer school starts this week with a very exciting program. All details can be found at: The CPS summer-school is organized by Université Joseph Fourier, Persyval-Lab, and NASA JPL. We gratefully thank Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble for its valuable support.